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Bike & Boat – The Safest Active Vacation Post-C19

Travel Safe: bike & boat touring

We believe it’s hard to do better in the current travel environment than on a small, 10 cabin river ship and an active holiday. 

While ocean cruising as a holiday option didn’t fare so well through the pandemic, the good news is that on a small, 10 cabin river ship it’s a completely different environment. Here’s why:


Your cabin has an individual air-conditioner and in most cases you can opt to open the windows instead and sleep with fresh air straight off the Mekong or whichever storied river you are exploring.

a boat cabin for 2
Mekong cruise ship


The same crew of hardworking housekeepers will clean your cabins daily throughout the week, and the ships operators have all been through a rigorous training process with their crew on sanitization.


Not only are you dining in an open-air setting, where climate permits, but there is plenty of space, so you are comfortably distanced. You are also being catered to by the same team of cooks and servers throughout the cruise. The ship also takes on fresh produce, fruit and vegetables to help keep your immune system in good shape.

upper deck of boat
day activity watching over Kwai river

independence of movement

On any given day, you have the opportunity to disembark and re-embark multiple times and land is never more than a hundred meters away. Of course, you’ll be getting lots of fresh air, sunshine and exercise each day and there’s no requirement to be in close quarters with others during that time.

Ships for Family Groups

We are seeing a surge in multi-generational family groups wanting to take a private trip for themselves. The good news is that this is practically and financially achievable with a 10 cabin river ship, so if this sounds like something that would suit your family, please get in touch as charter slots are always in short supply.

India Cruise ship

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